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imported_Sitting_Duck is Offline
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Default 11-17-2002, 01:51 PM

Well theres sort of a fix. But it would be a weapons mod. Just increase the wood and metal penetration values for specific weapons. The weapons should then be able to pass rounds through the railings. Naturally you would want to set it so it doesn't pass through with no problem each time. But then again do the different static bldg models on the maps have "hitpoints"? In other words, do they have different hitpoints relative to thier actual density and structure? I noticed that depending on the object you are behind in the new SH maps depends on wether or not a round can go through portions of it. We had a sniper who was hitting people who were behind a chunk of wall which was sitting out in the middle of a street. I knew exactly where he was after he killed me and I found that more than one person was hit from behind that debrie after I was killed. I checked the debrie to see if there was a hole or crack in it somewhere. But there wasn't.
I already created a realism mod for the server I admin on. So when working with the weapons I did see they gave wood and metal penetration #'s to each weapon. The one weapon with the highest penetration # was the MG42, naturally. I don't believe the sniper rifles had higher penetration #'s than the normal rifles or mg's. This is something I myself plan on testing down the road. Soo I would like to see if anyone can answer this too. ed:
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