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imported_Sitting_Duck is Offline
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Default 11-17-2002, 02:26 PM

Increase the ground behind the cliff bunkers. Set the 88's further back. So even if the snipers are clearing the ridge lines then make it harder for the assault force to reach the 88's.
Creating a current in the water which pulls the people hanging out in the water might be a good idea. I know the German Assault mod which never went anywhere had two maps, one was the Arnhem bridge which had a current and also the water caused damaged to you the longer you stayed in.

With the new spawn 3 second invulnerability installed in the game via Spear Head you might think that you would at least be able to get out of the water or the deeper end before the damage starts to take its toll. Keeping in mind the water temp. should be relatively low, I am sure the channel doesn't get to tropical temps. So cold damage could be atributed to this and force the snipers out of the water. Ok I guess thats it.
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