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Default 11-17-2002, 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by Oddball the tankcommander":50559]you know.. you people who are saying "shut the fuck up" and stuff are really not helping the situation. you are just accepting the fact that EA is spoonfeeding you dogshit. we're not whining, we're objecting to a product that WE WANT IMPROVED

yeah 20 new weapons.. bullshit. we want WEAPONS not pistols and smoke grenades! don't tell me a nebelwerfer and a flak 88 is a new weapon! i can't select it at the main screen, i can't carry that shit around.. i want something i can actually use! I DONT LIKE THE PRODUCT I GOT I HAVE THE RIGHT TO BITCH

if you people don't bitch, you will continuously be fed dogshit and we wont have improved gameplay[/quote:50559]

Well, you can kill people with them. Therefore by definition they are weapons. Here's the Webster Defenition of weapon:
[quote= "Webster Dictionary
Main Entry: 1weap·on
Pronunciation: 'we-p&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English wepen, from Old English w[AE]pen; akin to Old High German wAffan weapon, Old Norse vApn
Date: before 12th century
1 : something (as a club, knife, or gun) used to injure, defeat, or destroy
2 : a means of contending against another
Does a rocket launcher fill that definition? Yes!
Smoke nades help with fufilling the definition.
So just shut up and bitch to your grandma or email EA. What the hell are we supposed to do about it?
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