accuracy improving scope, utilizes the way your eye works... -
11-17-2002, 05:48 PM
everyone wants to see as much as possible in a scope right? improves your aiming right? wrong.
basically i've been experimenting with scopes and how your eye works and this is what i've come up with:
your eye is inclined to ignore black and pay attention to colour (which is why those neon skins stand out so much), bearing this in mind, the wider a scope is the less focused you are. i have created a scope with increaed blinkers so that the amount you see is smaller. this forces the eye to dilate and focus on the smaller area, making what your brain interprets much more focused.
this gives you much more focus on targets and therefore much better accuracy, once you get used to using it that is. only problem is you cant see if someone is aiming at you so its best to wait around with the scope off until a target presents itself or you're suspision is aroused, then zoom in for a closer look.
another plus is that the dot can be much smaller. seeing as you have less to focus on you are inclined to notice smaller things, therefore the aiming dot can be that much smaller and you will be able to notice it easier, no more ambiguity as to where the tiny little ultra-precision dot is.
this is not bullshit it actually works once you adjust to it so if you believe me/don't believe me and want to try for yourself drop your email below and ill send it to you, can't be bothered to post it.
(if you didn't read all that then you're in for a surprise if you ask for the scope)