Why's there still no Mixed Gametype Rotation support in MoH? -
11-18-2002, 03:16 AM
I really hoped the Spearhead would get up-to-date with other Quake-engine games and include the much needed mixed gametype rotation commands that all other Quake games use.
If Spearhead had this, then in the following example a server.cfg file which had the following in it...[code:b0cad]set t1 "g_gametype 5;fraglimit 3;map obj/MP_Druckkammern_TOW;set nextmap vstr t2"
set t2 "g_gametype 4;fraglimit 5;map obj/obj_team1;set nextmap vstr t1"
vstr t1[/code:b0cad]...would result in a simple map rotation that would play Druckkammern in Tug of War-mode with a fraglimit of 3. Afterwhich, the next map would be The Hunt playing in Objective-mode with a fraglimit of 5.
THIS KIND OF THING WORKS IN QUAKE 3, RtCW, AND OTHER Q3-ENGINED GAMES! Why is this valuable tool written out of the MoH code? I thought Spearhead was gonna include this. Instead, just like in Allied Assault, an error occurs because nextmap vstr t2 gets interpretted by MoH as being a request of a map called vstr.bsp, which of course doesn't exist and shuts the server down.
All you need to do is fix the NEXTMAP command to know that when VSTR follows it that it is supposed to launch the variable string that VSTR is referring to. This was already in the Q3 code when you guys designed the game. Why you took it out is beyond reason. Please, put it back in.