About the mohaa Speed! ur oppinion! -
11-18-2002, 07:22 AM
heey peeps!
I dont understand why people bitching about teh fast speed in mohaa!?
for Gods sake! thate what mohaa needed maan! i loove that game very much! and it really lacks for speed. and some people really bitch about that the speed is like QUAKE!! WTF!! please play Quake for 1 hour. and then come back to mohaa! if u cant se the big differemce, then i suggest u guys start playing dolls instead!
And I'm not talking about the sprint speed! (which a great idea too )
I' talking about the default speed which is Slightly fastere then mohaa!
And people please! start to get use to teh new Sh speed! coz in a week tha patch will be out! and eventually ever mohaa admins and gamer will adapt to the new gameplay! and slowly starts to convert their relegion from Mohaa to moh: SH.
Spearhead will be the future, no doubt!
thats my oppinion! whats yours!??