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Tiwaz is Offline
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Default 11-18-2002, 11:48 AM

What I mean is: If you can handle the buttons well, then you'll get a lot of kills, since it's just running and shooting. I should not have used the word skill, I guess.

Snowy Park requires skill, indeed, in handling the mouse and keyboard. If you're good at that, you will manage there.

It doesn't require real tactics, except for the I-am-as-much-a-rambo-as-the-next-guy one.

As far as hiding under trees goes, come on people. If one is hiding under a tree and tries to shoot me I will respond so fast, it'd better be a headshot, otherwise you will die in most cases. Why? I will dance in circles around you and what happens? Leaves. In your face.

Snowy is only fun, as far as tactics are concerned, when (sniper)rifles, pistols and an occasional grenade is allowed (then it is a real snowy park, otherwise it feels like an Unreal Quaky park). Problem with sniper is that you can't see much because of the fog, which is present in all new Spearhead maps as well (not as much as in Snowy, but still). What's with that anyway, did the developers of the SP maps think it is foggy in every damn European city, or what?
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