11-19-2002, 02:11 AM
[quote="Crow King":9a0d4]I noticed that the server config that came with the demo had mixed map types in it. Also, I noticed that the maps that came with the demo had some new lines in it (like level.gametype), so I think you can mix map types in the regular MoHAA sv_maplist.[/quote:9a0d4]
I checked that out. If you use that server.cfg file, it launches in DM mode. Both those maps play in DM mode. Basically, all they did was make the TOW map DM compatible. Please note when using that cfg file as written that you never actually play Druckkammern in TOW mode. The only way you can is to manually change the gametype to 5 and then launch Druckkammern. In other words, exactly like it's done in Allied Assault.
I found the level.gametype you mentioned in the SCR files within the PK3. All that does is tell the game that when playing the map in DM, TDM, or RB mode to do one thing, but when in OBJ or TOW mode to do another. It is used to provide instructions for how to determine a winner, allow levers/bombs to activate, allow/disallow respawn, text instructions explaining objectives when you press the Tab key, etc. These vary according to gametype, hence the need to use level.gametype. However, it is not a used to allow mixed gametype rotation.
[quote="Brutal CarNage":9a0d4]Ive already seen that done in the JonesBoys server in MOHAA. They will play a OBJ map or two and then it will switch to a TDM map for a couple of games. [/quote:9a0d4]
It is possible by modifying the SCR files and forcing specific maps to only play in one gametype. I did this a long time ago for my clan's server, Burning Bridge, back in February 2002. Read an old post about it here, [url:9a0d4]http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/004754-3.html[/url:9a0d4].
It's done by adding the line setcvar "g_gametype" "X", (where X is the gametype you want to force), or other settings like setcvar "fraglimit" "Y", (where Y is a custom fraglimit you want to force on that map), to the SCR file and putting the file into a custom PK3 to overwrite the default server settings. When doing this you can set whatever map rotation you want and you'll get mixed gametypes and custom fraglimit, roundlimits, timelimits, etc for every map.
The problem you have when doing this is that when you're using that mod, you cannot play the modified map's in any other mode. For instance, once you've forced Algiers to be Roundbased, you cannot play it in TDM mode unless you shut down the server and remove the mod. If you remove the mod, then you can only play in one gametype at a time. Besides this, there is also a minor spectate bug that can occur with the mod, (see post link above).
So, I don't doubt that other servers like JonesBoys do this too. However, there is no existing process for mixed game rotations currently in Allied Assault or Spearhead without modifying the SCR files in the PK3's. If there is a non-mod method, I'd love to see it, believe me.