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Quasi-evil is Offline
Posts: 63
Join Date: Oct 2002
Default 11-19-2002, 06:20 AM

OK. i'm not going to yell at you. I see that you are some what new to the forum. Try not to use all caps and proof read your message before you post it.

1. I don't think you will be seeing anyone moding the MOHAA to allow people to whip with the rifles. That is a big job because you have to add the animation and the commands to do it. I have not tried the whip on a SH server using the mohaa maps yet. ( have not played on one that plays both yet) Someone might be able to take some of the new things in SH and make a mod but I am not sure.

2. I have seen people talking about putting bots in multiplayer maps before put to date I have never played on a map that has them. I could see where it could be an ok idea but I have not seen it. It would be cool to add bots to run the guns in omaha but am not sure you will see anything like that soon.

You might want to post your message in the developers forum and see what they say. You might also want to try doing it yourself. EA and others have made lots of tools for people to try there hand at modding so give it a shot. good luck
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