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plfromden is Offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Default 11-20-2002, 07:54 PM

What is the difference between whining and criticism? Well, criticism is what I wrote, whining is what happens when r the punk who called this whining can't get his mommy to drive him to the mall.

Spearhead is a major disappointment because performance is inferior to MOH and because of run speed. If 90% of the servers have run speed set at default it becomes pretty tough to find a server loyal to the MOH I enjoyed. As I said before, it becomes Unreal or Quake in army suits.

And circle strafe? That is a technique that should be buried along with bunny hopping. Games should advance past that Mario brothers mentality.

As for this not being a Spearhead forum, in the Ven diagram of games Spearhead is encompassed by MOH therefore my comments are appropriately placed. And according to that idiotic reply then this web site should not even mention Spearhead. Dummy.
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