Originally Posted by BallisticWookie
Originally Posted by Jacolina
Originally Posted by CoUbLaCkA
lol a life
Strik0r u got like almost 6000 posts. is this all u do all day?
No need to get post count envy now. mwah:
And, YES, we need to get more mods here. Rudedog is the only one here doing his job. The others do JACK SHIT that don't even post here so they should step off and LET MEMBERS OF THIS FORUM WHO CONTRIBUTE, MODERATE IT. (sorry for the caps)
From a person who's been here for fuck all time you sure know about the in's and out's of this forum....not. I've been Mod here the longest now, been in the community longer than most of you.....almost all of you, and your telling me that I need to step down because I dont post much ?? Should BadScript pass on his duties of Admin aswell as the paying of fees for the site because he rarely posts on this forum ? Some of us do have "real life" things to deal with and cant be completely 100% devoted to moderating shit all day. There's probably 5 people AT THE MOST who I would allow to moderate these forums, 3 of them already doing so. So back off.
hey spoonge i wasnt talking about u eh, y did u quote me. ima talkin about strik0r