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Re: Why's there still no Mixed Gametype Rotation support in
Elvite is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default Re: Why's there still no Mixed Gametype Rotation support in - 11-21-2002, 02:37 AM

[quote="Mr_nStuff":75c26]Something like this wouldn't work?

Multiple CFG files using nextmap with the exec command instead of vstr..

file = server.cfg
exec t1.cfg

file = t1.cfg
g_gametype 5
fraglimit 3
map obj/MP_Druckkammern_TOW
set nextmap exec t2.cfg

file = t2.cfg
g_gametype 4
fraglimit 5
map obj/obj_team1
set nextmap exec t1.cfg

Anyone try'ed this?

Please explain exactly how the nextmap works...


Nextmap instructs the game what to do immediately after a current map has run it's course. If something is set using nextmap, it will take precedent over anything that is set in "sv_maplist". In MoH, the variable you place after nextmap can only be the location and exact name of the next map you want to play. In most other Q3-engined games, they also allow nextmap to point to a custom variable string (VSTR) which may contain several instructions, (like fraglimits, timelimits, etc.), in addition to telling it the location and exact name of the next map you want to play.

Unfortunately, your proposal won't work as far as the current MoH gamecode is written. If you tried to run that cfg, you'd get an error message saying something to the effect "Couldn't find exec.bsp". The game thinks you're trying to run a map called exec, basically. Whether "nextmap exec t1.cfg" should work in theory, I don't know. However, I know that something like "nextmap vstr t1" definitely should work, as it is the standard method for mixed gametype rotations in all other Q3-engined games. If perchange both methods would work, I think your proposed NEXTMAP EXEC method is a lot more work as you would have to set up mulitple cfg files and it would be cumbersome to have to edit each individually for rotation changes. When you use NEXTMAP VSTR, you only need to place it in 1 cfg file, (usually copied into your server.cfg). It's a lot easier and cleaner. However, it was a good thought. Thanks!
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