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Kaiser [K1] is Offline
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Default Spearhead - 11-21-2002, 10:28 AM

At least you have the product to judge. 6th Dec for us Europeans.

MOHAA could run and run

what about 1st world war settings. Vietnam settings. more voices and maps.

Wait a minute all this has been achieved already by the modders.

Apart from a few single player maps spearhead has nothing new to offer. If EA games has released the code for the games the modders would have already produced this ex pac and more.

Right rant over can someone tell me if, when you've installed the spearhead game you can still run mohaa or does it alter the mohaa.exe.

will you still be able to go on servers running MOH:AA without spearhead?

Can you use the new spearhead weapons and skins with the old maps?


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