11-21-2002, 11:30 AM
well not giving links or anything but since the new hoster is being a bitch, MPC traffic is going to reroute to silver x hacks, SxH. anyways "that thing" is ]MpC[hebe incase ya didnt know. ive had many people come to the forums saying i wanna make a skin, but not something neon, i just wanna change this guy's hat, can someone help me. so simple. some guy wanted the panzer_greandier helmet on the allied airborne guy. so many people go there to learn b/c we dont shut people down. also, people like you redneck are stupid. while @ other forums, such as SxH, UC, OGC, G-D, CES, oC, TGF, C-N, among others, so many people were saying "i heard that this website/crew shut down mpc, if this is true let me know and ill take care of them". so many good scriptors and shit, ready to kill, just wanted a finger pointed and they would attack. but we dont want this. you dont see us coming here and flaming and yelling at you guys b/c you are against cheating. we are just like you guys cept we make mods for a different crowd of people... more and more im learning that its actually the same crowd, just under different names. heh. so no war, no fight. we arent gonna try to kill sites for no apparent reason, we are attacking you, so why would you attack us. cant we all get along... i know many people like myself learned how to make hacks from websites just like this one.