MPowell1944: The truth behind the name -
11-21-2002, 11:33 AM
Well, I was going to keep back this information, but now I really don't care because his head has gone too far up his arse.
This guy claims to have stopped cheating. Some of you believe him, some of you don't. The way he's gone about everything is just full of shit. He still cheats, and he's not ever going to properly stop. Not even hours after his first post of "I've stopped cheating" and his apologies, he was sending me cheats, and telling me about new things he's made, including doorhacks, undetectable skin mods and more.
I regarded him as a friend, but really.... he's a twisted piece of shit, and i thought you all ought to know the truth.
For the evidence-mongers amongst you, I don't have any "hard evidence", because I didn't foresee this happening. Needless to say though, just watch him in game, and you'll see him waiting around corners, looking through walls, never going off target, and rarely getting killed. For the guys who don't like leanstrafing, he does that too. He also goes into games TKing everyone, or one or two specific people just for fun.
In his own words from an MSN conversation I recall having with him, about you guys who believe he doesnt cheat anymore: "I'm playing those dumbasses for fools and they're taking it. I'll never stop cheating, I just want them all to get off my back."
Do with him as you will, but I hope you make it bad. He's a waste.