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Default 11-21-2002, 11:55 AM


If defense lawyers or Lobbyist even THINK about trying to use this as a springboard for tighter controls and regulations on "video-games', they'll be laughed out of their inner-circles and rightfully so.

I dont have a problem with folks like this bringing these points up - it's their job. They serve certain interest groups, and these groups are opposed to the seemingly less-taboo nature of popular culture, video games in particular. Remember, video game developers are movie stars or singers - they dont have any real "marketability", or "leverage" in any power circles. Folks like Tom Cruise (who makes movies with orgies [Eyes Wide Shut], and mysigonists [Magnolia, Vanilla Sky]), and Madonna (do we even need to say anything), will never be truly attacked by folks like this simply because their power base is SO large. So it's MUCH easier to target folks who make silly video games.

That isn't to say these things dont influence young minds. They do. Popular culture desensitizes us to what we SEE on television. However, even though we can stomach Giovanni Ribisi's character in SPR futility assisting soliders getting their brains blown out, if placed in that same environment in real life we'd be shaking in our boots, hardly thinking it was as glamorous and l337 as it was when we saw it on tv.

That's the mistake alot of folks make, that somehow white male between 16-24 (cause you ARE the ones buying this shit) cannot differentiate between reality and digital. That because they can pump a guy fool of buckshot and laugh at his death animation, that they would be so callous to feel the same way if it were playing out in real life before thenm.

Long story short, video games have nothing to worry about except a few MORE blurbs about Video Games polluting the minds of youth, and maybe a 100 or so parents being influenced by it and putting their foot down, and telling little Johnny that NO he cant buy BMX XXX even if the game mechanics ARE "uber-l337".
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