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Default 11-21-2002, 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Where do Jews come in then? If Christians elaborated the Jewish religon 2,000 years ago....Then Jews must have been around for a fair bit longer.

I always thought Jewism (Is that the correct term?) was a basic form of christianity.

BTW, Ninty, you're right on the original point I made, I'm not attempting to pry into your brain here....I'm just ignorant about this kind of stuff. freak:
Ow, my brain. Judaism is the correct term. Judaism was around for thousands of years before Christianity. Things like the Babylonian Captivity took place many years before the time of the Roman Empire. The Old Testament (which is the Jewish Torah) is all the biblical stuff that happened before Christ was born during Roman times. The New Testament is the stories of Christ's life.

The religions have a lot of similarities, but there are a lot of differences. Much more than I could go into here. Besides, I'm hardly a scholar.
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