Mod ideas I haven't yet seen done... -
11-21-2002, 05:25 PM
(note: I haven't seen any mods that use these features... if they do exist, don't flame, I just overlooked them!)
I'm a big fan of the realism mods, especially CKR... however it's true that most realism servers are MG only battles. In any case, to further the realism, some ideas I'd love to see implemented (if they can be done w/ MOHAA...)
1. Realistic fall damage model: I think there needs to be something to discourage players from jumping out of a window and falling 100 feet. The loss of 5 - 10 points of health just isn't enough to do this, nor is it realistic. How about something that takes into consideration breaking a leg, ankle, sprains, etc... maybe 50 - 75 points for a big fall! For example, jumping out of the control room on V2 should be a flat out crater, no matter what. The movement speed feels so realistic, but it's killed by being able to leap three stories and lose 5 health.
I'm sure this can be done by modifying the gravity setting, but to produce such a large decrease in health for big falls, would the high setting also hurt you for little falls, like jumping off a step? In any case, I'd love to see players be forced use real-life tactics and be weary of 100 foot drops!
2. Wasting bullets on reload: I hate how reloading a clip that's only half spent results in you keeping those bullets. If you've got an STG that reload after 6 bullets, you should lose those unused bullets. It would force players to be more weary of their tactics and further add to the sense of realism.
3. Obj/RB Match Bodies: Can a mod be done for Objective & Round Based games where the bodies don't dissapear? Since there is no respawn, it'd really add to the atmosphere to have your teammates dead around you... and stay there.
4. Getting Shot/Heath: If your life drops to a certain level, say around 10- 20, your player reflects the damage in movement speed. Basically, if your life is around 10, you've obviously been pretty shot-up... why not reflect this in slower run speed, or something similar to this!
Anyways, just some ideas I think would really benefit the realism crowd. Maybe this is something that can be done in a TC mod when the SDK comes out? But it'd be great to see a version of CKR, or the other realism mods, that included some of these features... at least I'd enjoy them biggrin: