11-21-2002, 09:17 PM
Seems to me that Muslims are trying to be more and more recognised in the public eye by stirring up shit like this. When will they learn that they are no more important or better than the next average joe. Fuck 'em, if they want to do their little wailing excerise they can fuck off home to do it, or go to their local mosque, why the hell should normal everyday kids have to put up with that bullshit day in day out.
Now, I went to a Christian school, and had to go to church service every damn morning, and it got very old very quickly, I soon found myself skipping that part of the day, or missing the bus just so I could avoid it. Dont get me wrong, I'm still Christian, though I never go to church anymore and you could never pick it by looking at me, but I didnt go to school to listen to people preach about God, I went to school to LEARN. I wish Muslims would just fuck of back into their own community and not trouble us with their petty problems of being able to praise Allah at the right time of the day. Stupid fucks.