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Re: Mod ideas I haven't yet seen done...
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Default Re: Mod ideas I haven't yet seen done... - 11-22-2002, 01:27 AM

Originally Posted by mewprin
2. Wasting bullets on reload: I hate how reloading a clip that's only half spent results in you keeping those bullets. If you've got an STG that reload after 6 bullets, you should lose those unused bullets. It would force players to be more weary of their tactics and further add to the sense of realism.
I like your other ideas, but I dont understand how this is more realistic. In real life, if I nearly empty one magazine of ammunition and replace it with a full one, the rounds dont mysteriously disappear. I would just have to consolidate the rounds at a later time.

And with enough ammunition, you can get a break long enough to do that. But, how much realism do you want?
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