Originally Posted by mewprin
Yeah of course I see your point. Rounds can be consolidated, naturally. I was hinting more at the way the current mechanics work... if you're on the battlefield, you're not going fire five rounds of a fresh clip, kill the guy, then reload... y'know?
By losing the bullets not spent in a clip upon reloading, it would force players to make the most of their ammo. More realistic? yeah! Also, it would prevent the current "fire-reload-fire-reload" gameplay that exists now, which again, isn't very realistic.
I agree. In realism servers (if I use an auto-weap) I rarely reload after using a small burst to drop someone. This is because there may be someone else right behind the next corner.
But I dont like the idea of wasting ammo. And anything beyond either auto-consolidate or waste ammo gets too complex for a game.
Then again, you wont chuck nades without orders from your commanding officer... oOo: