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yochoylamuete is Offline
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Default 11-22-2002, 03:32 AM

That's almost point per point what we are trying to do biggrin: : ... p?t=149497

I'm glad to say we have already done some things (not exactly those, but add realism too):

-We have added real recoil to sniper rifles; that is, when you fire one shot your scope doesn't get automatically re-centered, you have to center it. Tried it on mgs/smgs, but the game becomes almost unplayable.

-About movement speed when hurt, I'm not sure if it can be done, but I've included a bleeding script; when you're under, say, 50 health (configurable), you lose 3 additional points (config.) every 10 secs (config. too biggrin: ). So you need to quickly find some health pack (probably more than one, since we already decreased the health amount to 25 per pack).

-I have been looking for the bodies/packs/weapons staying on place thing, but haven't found anything so far. I hope Bazooka Joe will have some news today, since he was already looking for it too, but, can someone please confirm he has seen a similar mod working???. We also hope to solve the reload issue, but modifying this kind of things is not as easy as editing a tiki. About the real damage on falls, I'm sorry to say I think it's not possible by now (but I could be very wrong, of course oOo: )


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