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Must make peace with myself
Dr. Deleto is Offline
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Default Must make peace with myself - 11-22-2002, 09:35 AM

Very sorry in advance to the great admins here at, but i feel i must reply to those silly posts made by the merry dwarves etc. that are now locked. The guy said he made vmdie a long time ago correct? well seems to me that someone played a little too much dungeons and dragons as a kid. also i would like to emphasize VERY INTENSELY that noone, and i do mean NOONE, owns me. in fact the only person who can claim ownership over me would be myself. If anyone thinks any different then they are retarded and in their own little world. even on the day that I die there will still be no owner of my person, "For I will be of earth, from earth." And I promise you, you swell five year olds who would actually beleive yourself to be a 300year old elf thats on a holy quest (or whatever it is you think), that you, nor any of your dwarven, elfen, whatever, kin will ever..EVER.. control anyone but your own, very silly and very childish, selves! That being said I have a little bit of calm inside myself now. Now you may proceed with your childish name calling and prove my point correct...because heh.. you can never make me change my thoughts.

no offence meant to anyone, just bothered me when they said that that bs owned everyone. and yes i mean in the game and in life both.