11-22-2002, 11:49 AM
#1, Gerard, if it's such a big deal to you that ppl not be allowed to lean while moving, then stfu and just stop playing there... by flaming Judas or Rude (who you're actually trying to piss off with this thread) you're only showing what a complete idiot you are in the first place. I only have one thing to say in that regard: start paying for your own server @ $79+/month so you can customize it how YOU see fit... and then see if anyone wants to play on it... You may get some... but they won't be the aa.comers (the old skool gang) which have a class all their own.
Another thing you have to figure out is that not only are they paying for this server, but they're also busting their arses to come up with the best map lists, etc., for the regulars... If you don't like one feature then go to hell. They didn't ask you to come along to begin with. And don't plan on hanging out on AAN anytime soon with that attitude, either... the second you open your mouth about anything on that server you'll find your ass hung out to dry with us faster than you can say "If I could just keep my big ass mouth shut..."
Oh, and have you thought about the fact that it's just a frickin' game? When you play poker, do you not play by the dealer's rules? Or do you tell everyone to stop because you need the ace you have in your sleeve? Play by the rules of the man who's in charge, stfu and like it! Or stop wasting our time... simple as that..
let the flames begin