11-22-2002, 10:49 PM
You are going to laugh!
I think I figured it out.
I recently set up a dedicated server here and set up port forwarding on my router. So the ports that MoH needs were forwarded to the server. LOL! I could have sworn I had connected to other servers since setting up the port forwarding on the router, but apparently not! I removed the forwarding and set up port triggering instead. Now I can connect again! Not yet sure how this will affect the server, but I think it should be fine.
Go ahead, make fun of me!
Thanks for all the help everyone, and sorry for the wild goose chase.
Now my only problem is that Optimum Online / CableVision my cable provider seems to be limiting my bandwidth. I.e. 48 minutes into HOSTING a game on my dedicated server, they decide I have been using too much bandwidth and reset my connection, completely cutting off internet access for a couple minutes and disconnecting everyone in the game connected from outside the LAN!
I spoke with a buddy that works at CableVision and he said they do stuff like that and that I may have to sign up for more expensive business service to prevent that. So for now I am not even bothering to run the server.