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Tripper is Offline
General of the Army
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Default 11-23-2002, 01:04 AM

WTF is wrong with these games? Why do they all have to be bigger than life? Why the fuck do you have to always be saving the world? Or saving anyone but yourselves, and your closest team-mates/soldiers. It's B.S, why not just trying to survive the war, on realistic battlefields. It's the same with movies....One of the only good films that I have seen that supporst this theory is an old film called 'Hell Is For Heroes' The movie is about taking a MG nest. The Longest Day was alright also. It's like SPR, save a private behind enemy lines, sent on the mission by top military brass.
When Trumpets Fade, although the first part of this film was done well, at the end, 4 of the soldiers decide to rebel and go behind enemy lines to take on a small supplies base. WTF? Why'd they put that in...?

They ruin the plots. I suppose it's pretty fun every now and then, interesting and fascinating, but they aren't really war films, they're action films. I'm talking about fictional stories though, it's different with films like 'Black Hawk Down.'
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