11-23-2002, 02:59 AM
I created my own realism mod and kept the ppsh drums to the 46 rounds they assigned to the base game. I did however increase the over all ammo carried. One way of looking at it is the Russian army was in short supply of ammo in most cases for the infantry men. So you could say his drums are short of rounds due to scaveging on the battlefield. Mainly because it is true if you gave them the true ammo assignment per drum you would make it quite a problem child out there. But then again in most realism mods which are made properly a good number of players are using the StG. It seems only right that the Allies would have a wpn of great use on thier own side. Though I did tweak the BAR to be a formidable wpn. The ppsh's stats were also adjusted. But I did however equal its stats to the tommy gun. Mainly becaus it was also a 45 calibre wpn. Naturally I realize these two weapons were not the same. But I am always messing with the weapons characteristics so each has its own bonuses.