11-24-2002, 04:18 AM
Let me start by saying I like some of these ideas.
That said, think about some of what you guys have said: we want to make it more realistic, so let's make is so you walk slower or bleed to death when wounded... until you pick up a MAGIC HEALTH PACK THAT CAME OUT OF A CORPSE, thus restoring you to perfect health!
Secondly, impaired movement IS a part of the game. That's why you "die" when shot in the hand or foot. Not that you would die so soon in real life, you would just be impaired possibly to the point where you would be unable to fight.
How realistic is it that I shoot someone in the hand, he stays right where he is, I shoot him in the hand again, etc. until he is dead from repeatedly being shot in the same hand? LOL!
If you really want realism, make some of the allies be Russians who were issued 2 bullets and no weapon. You have to pick one up from a fallen comrade. Also, make the Germans take 3 hits per 10 seconds from wearing insufficiently warm clothes while in Stalingrad.
But seriously, why do all these people concerned with realism ignore the most unrealistic aspect of the game, namely magic health packs capable of INSTANTLY restoring PERFECT health that automatically issue from recently killed corpses but fade into mist after several seconds?
I often see people in a game complaining about someone using the shotty, how it is so unrealistic that any allies had shotties, and then happily running over a magic health pack for restored perfect health.
Seriously though, there comes a point where more realism = less enjoyment. I.E. let's have commanders who tell us what to do instead of being able to make our own decisions, let's make it so you move so slow it's like a nightmare, let's make it so when you die, you can't respawn... ever!
Oddball the tankcommander had a good point.
Deception did too, no convenient crosshair in the middle of your screen. That is very unrealistic.