Ummm, i think this has already been responded to, ie.
They could've given us anything that remotely helped!!!
Pictures of the game. 1 goddamn picture is not much to ask. A GODDAMN PICTURE OF THE OFFICE EVEN. That took NO effort. They didn't even write that, i've seen it before. The officers stuffs were pics taken from way back as well...
A picture of ingame, anything. Not this monstrosity of trash. This is far below EA's level of crap. This is something i would expect from Reece's Pieces school of gaming. A SINGULAR PICTURE!!!
We won't get a single picture for 7 straight weeks. I swear to god, EA, you really know how to fit your head up your own ass.
I mista T! You doubta i mista T? Foo!!! I will eat you soul! Stop you jibba jabba and listen to MR T!
101st Airborne
Rendezvous with Destiny's Child.