11-24-2002, 04:57 PM
It's funny that this should come up now. The map I am working on titled "Verlassene", has a few little 'wilderness' areas. Although not even close to the boring-hate to play-why'd they even make it-original MoHAA map. I think it has a nice balance between indoor and outdoor areas, and so far I've managed to keep the FPS over 70 (with some help from Vonderbakluft and Higherspeed). And it's 90+ indoors.
It is nothing like my first release. It has a true WWII atmosphere with a lot of surprises and some scripted events (again, thanks to Vonderbakluft)
Look for it soon.
And I totally agree with Rommel: There is nothing worse than getting picked off as soon as you spawn, before you even know where you are in the map!
And it also stinks that most mappers don't put enough spawn points in their maps. Or they don't use spawnpoints that let the user use the map for team or dm.
I better stop now-- I am not preaching--just disappointed in that I can't play some great maps in team.