I guess opinions are like a$$%^#$@ everyone has one. -
11-24-2002, 07:57 PM
In my server voting is turned off because like so many said before, it is abused. If you can't manually call a vote, you don't have any business making one. I think that "Guests" in your server are just like a guest in your house. They should ask and respect the answer, whether it be yes or no. You wouldn't let a guest make up his own mind about what the thermostat is set to. He should tell you his feelings, and let you make the best determation based on what involved. I can't remember how many times, I had to restart the server because someone messed with it. Would you let a stranger make a long distance cal in your house? Don't think so. For everyone out there that thinks it is his or her right to decide how the server should be run, get your own server and see how long it takes before you turn it off. With order and control there is consistinecy. With out it, it is like MOH east. chk' chk' mwah: