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Re: bloody nazi admins!!!
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Default Re: bloody nazi admins!!! - 11-24-2002, 09:33 PM

Originally Posted by "Sgt Stryker":a9249
Originally Posted by Matrf

Well , i still prefre all those shotgun whore and leaner then NOSKILL realism player . cry:
first, SH realism is nothing like conventional realism (like CKR).
second, it takes more skill to not be seen by the enemy and kill them than it does to take a shitgun and charge someone leaning from side to side.
or camp behind a door with shitgun like many n00bs do.

Look , accept the fact that realism player are not skilled as reg player.

They play realism because they can't kill no one in reg. And when i play in realism server , i do 3x more score than abituly , for 1- most player are not very good . 2- its way too easy .

Realism is silly and way too easy.
Realism in revenshield is cool and hard , not in medal of honor.

Lean is silly to , not because they look like freak . Just because the lean don't affect aiming . And because the recoil of lean is buggy and not realism at all.[/quote:a9249]

so having guns that are actually EFFECTIVE at long range and having to watch where you poke your head out is easy?
come to one of the realism servers I play on and I'll pop you every time you try that run down main street shit that stock players do.
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