Thread: Wallhack
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[NSR] Lt.Col Virgo Quinn is Offline
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Default Wallhack - 11-25-2002, 03:38 AM

I was in spectator mode on our server, fiddling with CrowKing's AutoKick, and watching two visiting players, when in walks a clanner with the rank of private (no names). He immediately throws down the gauntlet, challenging both of them to face him, claiming he cant be beat. One of the players expressed puzzlement: if you're so good, how come your just a private?
I just joined, he says, but believe me, I'm on the way up.

Well, well thinks I. Let's see what this guy's got. It's always nice to face a talented player. And if he's not, me and the other two will teach him a lesson in humility.

The map is Stalingrad, 3 of us on axis, him on Allies.

As I start to hunt for him, my team is getting nailed left and right. I track down the sound of gunfire and I make a positive ID on his location. I was sure going in for the kill he hadnt seen me....I carefully approach the door (walking)....I hear nothing....I peek in and see him standing in the room about midway in...his gun pointed at the door...and blamo! I'm dead.

Hmm, thats weird thinks I. Ah well, mabye he did see me after all.
Patiently once more I hunt him down and quiet as a ninja I approach his position...this time I made sure he didnt see me...and once again Blam! I'm dead as I enter the room.

By now Im suspicious, so I go to spectator. I see him calmly standing in an apartment, looking out over the roof with the machine gun on it. All of a sudden he if he's seen something...then shifts his position....i quickly change players and lo and behold behind the little hut that covers the ladder on that roof is an axis player. I quickly move back to our suspect and observe him pulling out a frag. He swiftly takes this axis player out.

Here's the kicker: there is no way our suspect could have seen that axis player...unless of course he was using a Wallhack, a cheat that removes most if not all of the wall textures, rendering them as invisible as Wonder Woman's plane...u can still see the outline so you dont go bumping into them, but all walls are transparent.

Even though, to my knowledge (please correct me if Im wrong) there is no wallhack detector out there, its doubtful this cheater is aware of that, so through the console I announce in computer like tones Cheat Detected: Wallhack. Booting Offending Player. Then he went bye bye.

I dont know if my Cheat Buster bluff worked, but I'm sure he'll think twice before comming back to our server. I've checked the ladders my team is on, and we're clear; this guy's clan is nowhere on it. Does his clan know? Would they want to? Or are they naive enough to think he's just really that good? I didnt name his team or his name...mabye I should have. I dont have to go into the Cheating Hurts Us All speach do I?

Submitted for your consideration,

Lt.Col.Virgo Quinn
The North Shore Regiment [NSR]
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