11-25-2002, 11:21 AM
I don't dislike anyone on these forums.
I do find it how funny some worry about whether they are liked or not, i.e. redneck.
I do like some more than othesr though.
Eight Ace/Mr. X (he's sure to make me laugh)
Solidus(what can one say, smart and sexy)
Old Reliable(funny guy, annoying at times, but he is reliable)
Ninty9(gives Canada a good name, and likes ham sandwichs)
Spooge(seldom can I find a reason do disagree with him,)
Mr, Special Ed/Colation to Save ED(78.3 of the time)
Founding Law(he tries, now if he'd learn not to go after ED)
Strik0r(only because I don't want him to dislike me biggrin: )
Innoxx(another truly funny person with nice sigs.)
Mr migagi(sp). (Know more about his love life then I do about mine)
And yes all the 0TD guys( because it nice to know I'm not the only old person here)
Pfc. Green(the defender of Cheney/Bush,)
There are more, but basically, the way I figure, If you can't have fun posting in this forum don't. If you don't like what someone says ignore them and move on.
* edit and some guy named mosiquito to post here.