08-30-2001, 07:11 AM
Yes, buy O:FP NOW!!!!1 I got it 2 days ago and it kicks so much ass. It's got replayabilty up the wazoo, and is so freakin fun. The ability to drive vehicles is the best, multiplayer kicks ass(although it needs a little work by switching the server-browser, which is currently Gamespy,BLAH!)But still it's the best game i've played in months. Max Payne I would get a few months from now when the mods are roaring, but there are a shitload in develpment right now. So get O:FP now, get Max Payne later.Oh yeah, I forgot, there is also a good looking WW2 mod being made for O:FP, as well as a WW1 one, and a Vietnam one, so O:FP has a very promising future. The guy above me is right, the mission editor is so damn easy to use, I popped out like 5 simple missions already. Don't believe Max Payne's editor as being easy-to-use, it's not, it's friggin hard as hell.
[This message has been edited by fuel_200 (edited August 31, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by fuel_200 (edited August 31, 2001).]