11-26-2002, 11:59 AM
I just got Spearhead last night, and I'm really disappointed with its playability. I run a modest system, but starting out by saying "your system sucks" would be the easy way out. The way I figure it, I can run MOH:AA at about 70-80% graphics quality (rough estimation based on the video options I set.) Now, with SH, I can't even make the game playable with everything set TO THE LOWEST LEVELS! We're talking 640x480! We're talking 16-bit color! We're talking lowest, lowest, lowest on every stinking setting, and still I'm only getting < 5 fps. It seems the only way it will run halfway smoothly is to run it in a window, and not full screen.
Is this supposed to be an improvement? Good grief! I'm probably going to reinstall everything on my system, and hopefully that works. Otherwise, I just wasted $30.