I have created a custom version of realism to give a bit more "kick" to realism in spearhead.
You have to have spearhead turned on, and sv_runspeed is intended to be 250.
If you could try it out please do! make comments on pjgsquad.com in the forums area.
or just reply to this thread... ;-)
I have the mod for download at
I already have a new version made that changes how many smoke grenades are given to the people with rifles, and it tweaks the ammo for the sten and the ppsh.
But I dont have time to compile it at the moment, and the version for download plays the same (since basically its just a matter of ammo changes in the next version)
Please comment on it, I am trying to make something that is worthy of being a competitive version and league solid such as CKR was for mohaa.
Buzz_Litebeer OUT