11-26-2002, 01:11 PM
Man - was this thing worth the download or what. If youre a "sports entertainment fan" - then you know entrances and entrance music can make or break a superstar, and some of these old ones, Mankinds FIRST WWE(F) music, and Psycho Sid -
Anywho, this is worth the download ALONE for the FULL Corporate Ministry entrance theme.
A few that they missed out on -
Brian Pillmans Music -
Mr. Perfects (ya ya I know it's not copyrighted by the WWE)
The Texas Tornado
Ravishing Rick Rude
The Big Bossman
The Nation Remix (this is the one with The Rock as the Leader of The Nation [and YES it was a nod to the Nation of Islam])
Also - how cool would it have been to get some of those entrances that were only used like ONCE or TWICE for a superstar. I know CACTUS JACK, HHH, BROCK, and others have themes you cant find much anywhere.