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Default 11-26-2002, 02:04 PM

The story goes:

It was an aide of the PM, who said Bush was a moron for bringing up Iraq at the NATO confrence because what they were really there for is the bringing in of the 7 nation into NATO. Some American reporters heard her and wrote a story on it and it exploded from there. She offered her resignation to the PM but he declined to accept it. Up here in Canada its cause a whole big thing in the House. The opposition is telling the PM to accept her resignation etc. Thats what happened.

Personally i don't like to see things like this happen. I'd rather stay on the good side of the US, espically with Bush in charge. not because hes going to wage war against us, but because the PM and Pres don't like each other anyway. Our relationships have been strained latley and I don't want to see Bush making decisions about the borders between our counties that affects us tremendously without first talking to us, as well as Iraq. We in Canada get the feeling that Bush could care less about us. And by incidents like this the relations get worse. Pretty soon we'll be outside on our own with no largest trading partner or greatest allie.
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