Thread: Players Smoking
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Havoc_covaH is Offline
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Default 11-26-2002, 04:29 PM

Spike, you can't skin a cigarette on a guys mouth, it would just look like jizz running down his chin. The cigarette itself is a seperate model and is not included in a soldier's equipment format for multiplayer. Cigarettes in MOHAA are not animated to just stick in an entity's mouth, it is held in the hand and occasionally raised up and down in singleplayer mode.

Newton, you're making a Spearhead Total Conversion mod about 48th Mecca right? Just wanna make sure it's not the other way around.

Put the skin in main, the rest I don't know, lol.

Btw, you got over 300 views in one day because everybody thought you were talking about real smoking, lol.
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