Re: Snowy and outdoor maps -
11-27-2002, 01:22 AM
I'd like to think I am pretty good, (both at playing and 'thinking' my way through a map). Snowy is disliked so much for the reasons mentioned above, also like you said, teamplay will just wreck the other side on that map. Most people (and this is not a shot at anyone mind you) don't grasp more than run shoot die aspect of FPS - the 'sneaky' ones camp/snipe. I've gone 31-5 with a bolt action rifle with a buddy of mine, working together. There is tooo many places to move around, and like I posted earlier, you have to watch all sides for bad guys coming in. And to mention my post earlier, it is pretty easy to spawn camp that map too. My new map, which should be done mid-late december, is outdoors, with a couple of burnt out buildings (3) to break up hills/vehicles/terrain etc. I'll post a couple of screens when I get comfortable with how it looks - I still can't decide on the sky.