11-27-2002, 02:23 PM
[quote:87c55]Ed arguing with me tells me that I've succeeded at annoying him which was my goal. His close mind is so messed up - its so funny to tamper with.[/quote:87c55]
Annoy me - hardly. I find a great pleasure in proving people wrong, which is very easy to do when you open your mouth.
As far as tampering with my mind - there has YET to be anyone on this forum who has been able to do that. Get over it.
And close-mind(edness)? You lost me on where in this mire of catch-as-catch-can that you can come to that conclusion. One would think the person spouting off on a subject they are hardly qualified to judge would be the close-minded one.
As far as wrestling is concerned - it is a theatre of the absurd, with athleticism. What more could you ask for. Stupid, naw. Camp, very much so.