11-27-2002, 04:50 PM
Mmmmmmmmmm... Well, I must say I like how it looks... The bleeding thing can now be configured on the server.cfg using conventional cvars, so that the admin can setup the bleeding amount, interval, etc., or totally disable it. The "real recoil" makes you feel like you're firing a real sniper rifle, even if it's a bit more difficult to master. And the reloading thing... well, it's just how I felt it should be the first time I played mohaa...
Of course every weapon has been adjusted to his real historical specs (frankly, we didn't care too much about balance, but a BAR firing 550 bullets per minute is as deathly as a StG at 600, IMHO). And I'll try to model the grenade so that his range becomes proportional to the time the user is pressing the mouse button before releasing it. But that will come later, now I'm busy trying to make healthpacks, bodies, weapons stay on place (I'm not very optimistic about this; I have already done it -thanks, scorpiomidget- but the result is not what I would like for the final version).
I know most people doesn't like any of these features, but then again maybe someone would like them. And I'm learning a lot on the meantime biggrin:.
Oh!! and stay tunned for Delator 2.0. It's currently on the planning stage, but I think it will change a lot of things about cheating and server admin abilities.
If only days had 48 hours... biggrin: