08-31-2001, 01:02 AM
Xbox is more powerful statistically in every area of review than the PS2 is, therefore game developers will realize it's full potential when PS2 stops living up to it's (which is occuring right now). So, more developers will hop onto the Xbox bandwagon and start producing more games for it. However, as far as MOH:AA is concerned, Microsoft currently refuses to release a keyboard and mouse peripheral for the system stating that it's reasons are to prove that it's not just a lil' PC like everyone says it is. It's splitting it's PC roots by saying this, but later one may come out when the realization becomes that FPS games suck with control pads. However you may want to consider that once the Xbox is released, Sony will drop prices of PS2 to $230, making it less expensive than the $300 retail Xbox when it's released on November 8, just 3 days after the release of Public Enemy number 1... GameCube. That decisioin for a November 5th release was made after the announced Nov. 8 release from microsoft, and GameCube will retail at $200 making it the least expensive next gen system aside from the Dreamcast. PS2 does have a keyboard and mouse peripheral in the works, and will go online before the Xbox does, however MOH:AA is not currently planned for a release on PS2 so this won't be of much use to you. The Xbox is faster and more powerful if that turns you on however, and as I said before, the developers will realize this. As far as bugs go, yes there still are some but it's not out yet so it's not fair to judge off that... they have until November to clear that up so it's idiotic to say that Xbox is buggy before it's even out. PS2 is lacking in visual quality and fulfilling potential of game designers. Xbox is planning 9 launch titles however some are being rushed. PS2 had a grand total of 29 titles to launch on release, and GameCube will plan a measely 5 launch titles. However, think back to the release of PS2... those games were not that great at the time, and still aren't... and for a system to come along with a clean slate and compete with the PS2 is excellent. So... my stance on the matter is to wait and see what the developers do, you'll see an upward trend in the quality of games, either that or a complete failing of Xbox will take place.