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Default 11-27-2002, 06:34 PM

Dobolina----go here and read Rudes Guide to MAxrate: ... age&pid=18

Now you work the formula backwards a few times to see how much bandwidth will handle various numbers of players. You need to use at least a maxrate of 8000 to run a good game.
#players * maxrate * 8 = uploadSpeed.
10 players * 8000 * 8 = 640k Upload speed!
6 players * 8000 * 8 = 384k Upload speed!

You can reduce the maxrate but youwill pay for it in choppy gameplay. 9000 is the default, 3000 is what 56kers run at.
This is the theory behind it, now you are at the mercy of your ISP. Can they really guarantee that kind of connection?? They love to oversell their bandwidth (much like the airline overboking flights)!!!
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