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Default 11-27-2002, 11:26 PM

[quote="General Tso":ca191]
Originally Posted by r3mix
read the TIK files and find out for yourself.
everything in there is clearly marked.
Thanks for your help.

If I knew what you were talking about, I would do just that.[/quote:ca191]

go to mohaa\mainta\
right-click on pak0.pk3
select 'open with'
choose your ZIP program (winzip winace winrar whatever) and select always use.
now you can browse through the inside of pak files rooly easy.

if you browse through them to a dir like (from memory)...
you will find a bunch of text looking files named after all the weapons like...
thompson.tik etc
open these up in notepad and these contain all the weapon attributes.

there should be 3 differnt values for what you said referred to as 'secondary attack' if not called bash.
1. SP bash damage
2. DM bash damage
3. DM realism bash damage

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