Mohaa's object structure? -
11-28-2002, 01:25 AM
I have been working real long and hard on anti cheat packages and other server mods for our clan but lately I've only been running into huge brick walls when it comes to knowledge of the mohaa object structure. Let me give an example.
On a server, you can address the $player array to aquire info about the connected clients. Currently, I know that $player[playernumber].dmteam for example returns in which team the player is, or if he's in spectator. I have tried numerous names to gather their score, their name, and things like that. All to no avail. I can nowhere find an object structure, let alone ways to display the structure in the ingame tools.
Is there any way to browse through the object structure? Or find where it is created? (I browsed about all mohaa files in search of uses of $player or where it's created) Obviously these information about the players is known on the server, as the dumpuser command also knows how to gather the info. Pitty that dumpuser is no use to me as I am programming in the scripting language, not an external program accessing the rcon. I don't want to either, as external programs are cumbersome.
Anybody with information on this subject? I'm going nuts after months. (I bet the guys from 2015 must know....any chance in any way to get to them?)