ok we played a clanbase match yesterday agianst them, in the beginning we say that the match is first to 7 on each side !
ok we begin playing bridge, we win 7 - 5 as alies. by this time they start whining that axis weapons do more damage then alies, and that we messed with the settings or running realism without them knowing (we play on default server settings and no realism).
next wass we as alies, we win 7 - 2 (so i guess those axis guns are not that powerfull after all). Then they started to ask about our rcon password they wanted to check our server settings, we checked clanbase and we don't have to give out our rcon password.
but we are a good bunch of guy's and give it to them anyway, then they start saying that the password doesn't work ( it worked cause we did rcon on this match). Then they all dissapeared from the server and one came backs saying that we kicked them out of the server and changed the password lol

(how do they get back on the server when we, like they said changed the password ???)
so next thing they did wass dissapear agian and cancel the match on clanbase, my opinion is that if you can stand losing you shoudn't play this game !
maybe they thoughd that this wass going to be an easy win cause they are 54th on clanbase and we are just starting and are ranked 126th.
Well that wass our match agianst milorg