Will do. I'll check my friend's tackling box.
Wait, noone knows that story.
When i was back in grade 8 (ahh, the days), i went on this whole retreat thing with all the grade eights in the school. It was a three day thing, at a lake, up in shithole valley (the entire upper part of Ontario

So, some people brought fishing gear and stuff, to keep busy.
Well, i played basketball alot during that time, and one of my friends was practising casting OUT ON THE GODDAMN ROAD. God knows why this was.
Well, i went up to him, said "Wanna play some basketball?" and he went "Sure, lemme take the line apart and put it away. Well, i started walking off, i'd meet him on the court. As i was walking away, a friend showed im quick another way to do a cast.
I turned around to ask him if i should wait or not, and BOOM. He hit me in the eye with the fishing hook. He'd decided he was going to give that new cast a try.
And so, low and behold, here i am with a fishing hook thruogh my eyelid and eyebrow (a goddamn miracle). I was screaming at the stupid fuck like there was no tommorrow. Don't get me wrong, it didn't hurt much, though i could've lost an eye. I was just screaming "What sort of a stupid fuck practises casting on the road?"
Well, i finally get it out to find that all my swearing and cursing was to the huge circle of teachers and camp counsellors who had gathered around me....Jesus H McChrist...
Needless to say, i beat the living shit out of him later.
Anyways, nostalgia aside, yeah, i like using fishing hooks as a threat.
I mista T! You doubta i mista T? I pity you Foo!!! I will eat you soul! Stop you jibba jabba and listen to MR T!
101st Airborne
Rendezvous with Destiny's Child.