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Default 08-30-2001, 07:29 AM

I dunno, whenever i see a topic that has ballisticwookie posting, right followed by Recycled spooge, i get a good laugh...

There's a fine line between funny and insanity. And somewhere, JJUUUUSSSTTT after that line, is where the funny stuff comes from.
Plus, i like to tell that story because that night i went and got a nice pity lay in the girls cabin. See, for some god awful reason, they put me and a bunch of other trouble makers on the hill right above the girls cabins, seperated from everyone else's cabins, right near the girls cabins.
So, that night, we were gonna sneak out and get a nice piece, and it happened to be the day i got hit in the eye. Well, all else went according to plan: The laxative in coffee trick works quite well, We got past the only patrolling teacher (who barely patrolled anyways) and right down the hill.
It was hilarious...we all put on shoe polish like a commando raid, snuck down the hill, got to the was great.
Only real problem that arose was that my girl, Tina, was a bit of a screamer, and couldn't hold herself back afteer a few minutes...
The rest isn't for unpriviledged ears, though trust me it is funny...I'll tell my closer pals, come get me on the chatroom.


I mista T! You doubta i mista T? I pity you Foo!!! I will eat you soul! Stop you jibba jabba and listen to MR T!

101st Airborne
Rendezvous with Destiny's Child.
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